Terms and Conditions

  • The public voting begins on August 5, 2024, at 00:00 and ends on August 22, 2024, at 23:59 (local Riga time). Any votes before or after this period will not be accepted.
  • The voting is open to individuals from all countries.
  • The voting is available once a day of the vote.airbaltic.com website.
  • The voting results will be updated once a day by 16:00 (local Riga time).
  • Participants can vote for any city that is located in the territory of Latvia, Estonia or Lithuania and has official city status, regardless of their own nationality, citizenship or place of residence.
  • From each Baltic state, the names of 16 (sixteen) cities with the highest number of votes will be displayed on the 48 (forty-eight) aircraft of the airBaltic Airbus A220-300 fleet – a total of 48 (forty-eight) city names.
  • Also those aircraft that have been wearing the names of Latvian cities since 2018 will be renamed.
  • The name and visual of the campaign, preserving its original appearance, are allowed to be used to promote the campaign. Publishing offensive, defamatory or inappropriate content towards airBaltic is not allowed and may result in disqualifying the votes of the person responsible and application of all sanctions provided in law and justice.
  • By participating in this voting, the participant automatically accepts these Terms & Conditions.
  • airBaltic has the right to disqualify the votes that do not comply with these Terms & Conditions and/or are obtained unlawfully, contrary to the principle of good faith, including the vote altering.
  • airBaltic reserves the right to apply all sanctions provided in law and justice in the case of the violation of these Terms & Conditions, including the right to block the user’s access to the vote.airbaltic.com website from specific Internet protocol addresses.
  • airBaltic reserves the right to cancel, suspend or modify the voting if fraud or technical failure compromise the integrity of the voting.
  • airBaltic has the right to update the content of the vote.airbaltic.com website at any time and disclaims any responsibility for any inaccuracies, errors or incompleteness.
  • Data controller is Air Baltic Corporation AS. We highly value the privacy of all voters and are committed to ensuring a fair and transparent voting process for naming the airBaltic Airbus A220-300 aircraft after Baltic cities. To achieve this, we need to verify the uniqueness of each vote. We have engaged the platform WordPress.org to facilitate the voting process. During the voting process, the voter’s Internet protocol address, device type and browser are recorded to ensure the participant has not voted more than once a day.
  • Participant data is used solely for verification purposes to maintain a fair voting process. All personal information will be securely maintained and accessed only by authorized personnel. All accounts and user vote records will be deleted within one month after the voting ends.
  • For comprehensive details about voter rights and our privacy commitments, please review our Privacy Policy at https://www.airbaltic.com/en/privacy-policy and the Privacy Policy of WordPress.org as the platform provider for the voting process at https://wordpress.org/about/privacy/.
  • If these Terms & Conditions are open to different interpretations in various languages, the English language version shall prevail.
  • The names of the top 48 (forty-eight) cities will be displayed on the airBaltic Airbus A220-300 aircrafts within a year after the voting. airBaltic reserves the right to unilaterally change this timeframe due to the circumstances beyond airBaltic’s control.